# Anycast REANNZ conveniently provides us with BGP peerings and address space which we can announce down to single IPs. ## Anycast prefixes * * 2404:138:4000::/48 ## Anycast groups * `` and `2404:138:4000::` for `mirror.fsmg.org.nz` (mirrors, SSH push) * `` and `2404:138:4000::1` for `fsmg.org.nz` (website) ## Linknets The `fq_codel` qdisc is used to try and ensure fair distribution of bandwidth on the interface among all connected clients. On `wlglam`: ``` iface enp4s0f0 inet static address gateway post-up ip -6 addr add 2404:138:134:122::2/112 dev enp4s0f0 || true post-up ip -6 route replace default via 2404:138:134:122::1 || true post-up tc qdisc add dev enp4s0f0 root fq_codel || true ``` On `hlzmel`: ``` auto enp4s0f0 iface enp4s0f0 inet static address gateway post-up ip -6 addr add 2404:138:134:120::2/112 dev enp4s0f0 || true post-up ip -6 route replace default via 2404:138:134:120::1 || true post-up tc qdisc add dev enp4s0f0 root sfq || true ``` On both nodes (loopback for anycast): ``` iface br-lo inet static bridge-ports none address post-up ip addr add dev br-lo || true post-up ip addr add 2404:138:4000::/128 dev br-lo || true post-up ip addr add 2404:138:4000::1/128 dev br-lo || true ``` ## Routing daemon We're using [ExaBGP](https://github.com/Exa-Networks/exabgp) to advertise our anycast routes to REANNZ. There is a general plan to move to [beka](https://github.com/samrussell/beka) with the support of Sam. ExaBGP is configured to speak both IPv4 and IPv6: ``` neighbor { router-id; local-address; local-as 65200; peer-as 38022; graceful-restart; process health4 { run /opt/fsmg/bgp/health /opt/fsmg/bgp/ipv4.yaml; } } neighbor 2404:138:134:120::1 { router-id; local-address 2404:138:134:120::2; local-as 65200; peer-as 38022; graceful-restart; process health6 { run /opt/fsmg/bgp/health /opt/fsmg/bgp/ipv6.yaml; } } ``` ## Health checks Healthcheck daemons are used to check the `/.fsmg/stats/healthcheck` path of the mirror. If this returns anything other than an HTTP 200 status code and the text "online" then the node will be considered "in maintenance" and the routes will be removed. The healthcheck daemons also write their state to `/run/exabgp/state-ip4` and `/run/exabgp/state-ip6` to allow Ansible to do rolling restarts of service impacting daemons. These files will contain "online" if ExaBGP is currently expected to announce the node. The health check scripts are in git at [https://gitlab.com/fsmg/healthchecks](https://gitlab.com/fsmg/healthchecks).